

Aniqa Naz Foundation is a Karachi based Pakistani non-profit. Our mission’s simple : Digital literacy for every child.

But it’s simple only in saying; executing it is a different thing.The most challenging part of this mission isn’t digital literacy its self, but digital literacy for ‘every’ child. And by ‘every’ child, we mean every child. The rich, the poor, the abled, the differently-abled, the one at home, the one in prison, the one sleeping on the streets. The girls, the boys, the transgenders. The Pakhtuns, the Sindhis, Balochs, Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Parsis, Bengalis, and every other ethnicity and religion that exists in Pakistan. If a child wants to learn about digital literacy, we want to help them. The idea of leaving any child behind is — unacceptable to us.

It is a difficult and gigantic undertaking, and it will take a village. We hope that parents, teachers, government, and every other Pakistani will support this mission.


Putting a Child's Well Being First

At Aniqa Naz Foundation, we want to make every decision thoughtfully and considering a child’s well being. In any scenario, if we are unsure of what to do, we must ask the question, “what is the right thing to do for this child ?” The answer may lead us to change our goal, lose funding or PR opportunities, and that should be okay. Because there would always be another way, the more difficult but right way.

Creating Safe & Inclusive Spaces

We vow to create classrooms and public spaces where our students can participate happily, freely, and without fear. They will be treated kindly and gently, and will be given equal opportunities. No matter their gender, religion, ethnicity, social class, and supposed ‘intelligence level’. 

Being Helpful & Supportive

We will be helpful and supportive to our students, their parents, and within our internal team. If somebody is stuck, we pride ourselves in being the first to jump in and help them.